Starlink Mini
2024-06-16 (sun)
Windows programming framework for Lua
2024-06-16 (sun)
#lua #coding
QR.rb is a Ruby program that generates a Rust program that generates a Scala program that generates ...(through 128 languages in total)... a REXX program that generates the original Ruby code again.
2024-06-14 (fri)
Final Spike Steam Tour Route (main page)
2024-06-13 (thu)
Final Spike Steam Tour Route (return schedule)
2024-06-13 (thu)
Size of programming language communities in Q1 2024
2024-06-13 (thu)
Why I like programming in C
2024-06-13 (thu)
Great C tutorial
2024-06-12 (wed)
Great javascript tutorial
2024-06-12 (wed)
Self-serve BI myth
2024-06-12 (wed)